Università degli Studi di Siena is hosting the 1st City Decarbonisation Workshop. Daily web-based seminars addressed to first year students of the Master Course in Ecotoxicology and Environmental Sustainability are being organised between today Monday 23rd and Friday 27th November 2020. Different topics shall be presented during the seminars, including:
- Presentation of the City of Siena and the target district / neighbourhood (UNISI and stakeholders from Municipality of Siena)
- Assessment and analysis of vulnerability associated with climate change (UPO)
- Place-making framework (UNIROMA3)
- Energy Efficiency and Renewable energy technologies in the active service of the City decarbonisation processes (IRENA and MIEMA)
The event is the first one in a series of 3 local workshops, addressed towards the target cities or Seville, Siena and Rome. Each workshop shall involve students from the hosting partner university, experts and local stakeholders.